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#118 - Kanye West, Rex Orange County, Cigarettes After Sex, Tessa Violet Tell some friends about this show to keep it growing! We appreciate it, and you.įor advertising opportunities, email info (at) syndicate23 (dot) co Subscribe to this podcast (or Follow on Spotify) so you don’t miss new episodes on Mondays. Radiohead, Phoebe Bridgers, and others create bikes for charity, and Chris Brown and Tory Lanez unite for an upcoming album. DMX's Birthday declared a holiday in NY state. Young Thug and Gunna give back to their community. The person who turned in Lady Gaga's stolen dogs is one of 5 suspects. REVIEWS: 'DREAMLAND 2021' by ZHU, 'Shelley FKA DRAM' (self-titled), & 'The Million Masks of God' by Manchester Orchestra.Įx-Guitarist of Cannibal Corpse gets slapped with a CVS-receipt worth of criminal charges.

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