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#Superman fucks batman gay porn comic series The Comics Bulletin website posed the question 'Is Batman Gay?' to their staff and various comic book professionals. Writer Alan Grant has stated, 'The Batman I wrote for 13 years isn't gay. Denny O'Neil's Batman, Marv Wolfman's Batman, everybody's Batman all the way back to Bob Kane… none of them wrote him as a gay character.

Only Joel Schumacher might have had an opposing view.' Writer Devin Grayson has commented, 'It depends who you ask, doesn't it? Since you're asking me, I'll say no, I don't think he is… I certainly understand the gay readings, though.' While Frank Miller has described the relationship between Batman and the Joker as a ' homophobic nightmare,' he views the character as sublimating his sexual urges into crime fighting, concluding, 'He'd be much healthier if he were gay.' Grant Morrison, writer of both Batman and Batman Incorporated said in an interview with Playboy that 'Gayness is built into Batman. #Superman fucks batman gay porn comic series.

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